Our vision is t
o keep QVM alive as a functioning every day shopping market for all people in the Melbourne community
Queen Victoria Market is an egalitarian place where all demographics – wealthy and not so wealthy – rub shoulders when shopping, and unlike the supermarket experience, interact and build relationships with traders. It is where customers find a range of quality, freshness, variety and where you can rummage for the bargain. This site celebrates the market and the people who love it and value its past and future
Ample, accessible and cheap parking:
To ensure widest access to the community. 2 hours free parking will make the market more convenient and competitive.
A revitalised fresh food and general market space
with many new traders:
To preserve the essence of a market: Variety, choice, freshness, competition, value for money. Food, but not only food.
Competition between multiple small traders:
To ensure value for customers, stop consolidation of stalls (multiple stores with one owner).
To preserve the market heritage including
its sense of community:
To preserve it as a ‘people’s market’ used by a range of shoppers from different social, ethnic, age groups, united in a common purpose.
Distinctively Melbourne and distinctive in Melbourne; not just another craft market.
If the bulk of the present market area is remade as public space for events, pop up markets, curated ‘craft’ ( just like so many other markets) and so on, the market will lose what is distinctive in its heritage, even if the buildings remain.
The market heritage extends beyond built heritage to its social heritage as a people’s market; the built heritage is integral to its use over 150 years as a small-scale trading and social space.
The market is more than a historic place, it is a sustainable alternative form of trading.
To include trader and customer representation
in market management:
Currently there is no trader and customer representation In the market management and the redevelopment plans.
We want protection and security for traders.